From Love Came My Story

The concept of family is vast and varied, encompassing a diverse range of experiences: it requires us to learn, understand, and appreciate... it has many layers. Regardless of whether your family is big or small, it is made up of a multitude of conversations, moments, hardships, and celebrations that shape our lives and make us who we are.

Three days after my birth, I was adopted and raised by the most wonderful parents. Growing up with eight brothers and eight sisters, four of whom are biological while the rest were also adopted, our home was never dull. We lived in a charming yet uneventful city in the Midwest as a mixed race family.

You’re like the black sheep of the family, but a black sheep that glitters.

Despite being the middle child and of a different race from my parents and some of my siblings, I never felt out of place. My parents always encouraged me to explore my creativity and allowed me to express myself freely. My passion for dance, design, fashion, and art became evident at a very young age, and my individuality and creative spirit were always celebrated. I was the artsy one in my family, exploring various creative passions and interests that set me apart from the rest. I still remember a time when my grandma looked at me and said, "You’re like the black sheep of the family, but a black sheep that glitters." It resonated with me then and still does to this day.

me and grandma Bobalek 


Archival article highlighting the open-mindedness of adoption, featuring my family.

My mom, the advocate, chosen for the state panel advocating for children's justice.

When you're young, you're observing people and taking things in. I don't remember the conversation I had with my parents when I learned about being adopted, and I understand that it's visibly obvious given I'm of a different race. However, it never felt strange for me not to look like my parents; it's never felt anything other than home.

Watching my parents when I was younger, I remember seeing their strength and grace in many situations. One that really stood out to me and impacted me was seeing the fight they put up to adopt one of my brothers. He was in Texas, living in the foster care system, and had been in and out of the hospital since birth due to severe health problems from his biological mother. My parents wanted to adopt him, but they had to fight for him because people were strongly against it. Despite the love that my parents had to offer, his social workers didn't believe they were suited to be his parents because they weren't black.

I have a brother who was born with special needs, and I have siblings who were born addicted to drugs due to their biological mother's substance use during pregnancy. When people are preparing to have kids, naturally they're hoping for a healthy baby to be born. However, that's not always the case, and sometimes unhealthy babies end up in foster care, waiting for someone to bring them home.

My parents understood the health issues with some of my siblings, but they also knew they deserved the chance to thrive and live in a home with a family that loved them. With my younger brother, race should not have gotten in the way, but it did. His health was not well, and here you have a family that was ready and willing to take him in, love him, and work on his health. Seeing the fight they went through to bring my brother home, even though I was so little, it was so impactful for me to watch. I have never stopped admiring the immense strength and resilience I witnessed in my parents throughout my life, and watching their strength has instilled a lot of the resilience I have in myself.

As someone who was adopted, I've been fortunate to experience the true essence of home, family, and comfort—blessings that might have escaped me otherwise. Without adoption, I might have navigated the challenging landscape of the foster care system, a reality for many children who often age out without the embrace of a loving family. Given my background, I feel strongly about the children in the foster care system who need loving homes. Therefore, I have strong ambitions to contribute my designs and partner with organizations that work to prevent homelessness by creating homes and communities for youth aging out of foster care. Furthermore, I aim to bring people together through my designs, fostering a sense of connection and belonging.